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Manufacturer & Exporter Of Modified Starches and Starch  Adhesives

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CGP is white glue and is available in various ratios as per the customer requirements. Our CGP works on the concept of stain-hall process system.

Stain-Hall corrugating Adhesive is a thermosetting adhesive. This adhesive usually have some Quantity of free starch and un-gelatinized starch, the free starch gets gelatinized by the heat of corrugating medium and gives a stronger bonding.

Uses: It is used in corrugation flute making machine and on 3ply and 5 ply semi-automatic machines.


  • Easy to mix
  • Polymers within starch upon gelatinization absorb water and during cooling gets entangled with paper fibres and thereby bridges the two sheets of paper.
  • Lower consumption of glue
  • Maintains viscosity and solid content
  • Good bonding due to low gelatinization


Corrugation Gum Preparation Method (200 kg) 1:6.


  •  Take (approx 80 litres) of water in a stirring vessel.


  •  Open a gum powder bag and you find a packet of gum compound (chemical) inside the bag, remove the chemical packet and mix in 3 to 4 litres of water in a separate bucket and keep aside.


  •  Now put the gum powder in the vessel and stir for approx.  5minute.


  • Now slowly add the gum compound (chemical) solution in the vessel and stir for another 20 minutes


  • As the mass becomes thick start adding remaining part (approx. 90ltr) of water slowly.


  •  Check and set the viscosity “between” 18 to 24sec in ford B4 cup.

(Note: To set the viscosity “between” 18 to 24sec you may need approx

+ 10ltrs of water)


(Note: 1. it is must to have a high speed mechanical stirrer with minimum 3hp      motor and 1440rpm for preparation of gum)  



Technical Data                     1:4(1kg CGP: 4ltr water)                 1:5(1kgCGP: 5ltr water)  

Grade                                     CG-40                                                CG-35

Base                                        Tapioca + Maize                              Tapioca + Maize

Solid Content%                      20% + 1%                                         17% + 1%

pH                                           10.5% + 1%                                      10.5% + 1%

Viscosity                                 20 to 30 sec in ford B4 cup           20 to 30 sec in ford B4 cup                                      

Dryness time of sheet         Dries in machine itself                   Dries in machine itself                              

Colour of liquid Glue           Off white                                           Off white



Technical Data                     1:6(1kg GP: 6ltr water)                 1:7(1kg GP: 7ltr water)  

Grade                                      CG-30                                                CG-25

Base                                    Tapioca + Maize                              Tapioca + Maize

Solid Content                         15% + 1%                                         12% + 1%

pH                                          10.5% + 1%                                      10.5% + 1%

Viscosity                                20 to 30 sec in ford B4 cup           20 to 30 sec in ford B4 cup                                      

Dryness time of sheet          Dries in machine itself                   Dries in machine itself                              

Colour of liquid Glue                 Off white                                          Off white





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