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Manufacturer & Exporter Of Modified Starches and Starch  Adhesives

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- Starch



“e-starch” is an easy starch for automatic corrugate machine, as starches have many other industrial applications such as textile, pharmacy, food etc.

 This “e-starch” is designed only for the automatic corrugate machine.

e-starch” is available in ratios 1 kg e-starch: 4 litre water and

1kg e-starch: 5 litre water.

The glue made from “e-starch” will be thermosetting adhesive,

This glue usually has some quantity of free starch and ungelatinized         

Starch, the free starch gets gelatinized by the heat of corrugating medium

and gives a stronger bonding.


Glue Preparation Method (200 kg) 1:4.


  •  Take (approx 120 litres) of water in a stirring vessel.
  •  Open a “e-starch” bag and you find a packet of glue compound (chemical) inside the bag, cut the packet and mix the glue compound (chemical) in a separate bucket having approx. 2 to 3 litres of water.
  •  Now add “e-starch” powder in the stirring vessel and stir for 1 minutes till the starch gets dissolve.
  •  Now put the chemical compound solution in the vessel and stir for approx 30 minute.
  •  After 30minutes glue gets thick, you may add another 30 to 50 litres of water and adjust viscosity as per the requirement.
  • (Note: stirring 30minute will cook the glue and help to produce a good   quality glue)
  •  Check and set the viscosity “between” 18 to 24sec in ford B4 cup. For single backer and “between” 25 to 35 for double backer.


(Note: To set the viscosity for single backer and double backer you may need approx + 10ltrs of water)

(Note: 1. it is must to have a high speed mechanical stirrer with minimum 3hp motor and 1440rpm for preparation of glue)  


  • Easy to mix
  • Polymers within starch upon gelatinization absorb water and during cooling gets entangled with paper fibres and thereby bridges the two sheets of paper.
  • Lower consumption of glue
  • Maintains viscosity even at 65 degree Celsius
  • Maintain solid content
  • Good bonding due to low gelatinization
  • “e-starch” can be used for both operation with slight change in viscosity.

     Liquid Glue Parameters:

Technical Data                     1:4(1kg GP: 4ltr water)                 1:5(1kg GP: 5ltr water)  

Grade                                         e-starch                                             e-starch

Base                                        Tapioca &Maize                              Tapioca & Maize

Solid Content                         20% + 1%                                         17% + 1%

pH                                              10.5% + 1%                                      10.5% + 1%

Viscosity- single backer       18 to 24 sec in ford B4 cup           18 to 24 sec in ford B4 cup                                      

Viscosity-Double backer     25 to 35 sec in ford B4 cup           25 to 35 sec in ford B4 cup                              

Colour of liquid Glue           Off-White                                         Off-White


e-starch” Parameters:

1. Percentage of Moisture                                 -------        14% Max

2. pH 10% Suspension                                      -------         5.5 to 7.0

3. Percentage of CWS on dry stage                  -------         60%

4. Viscosity of 4% solution at 75deg. C              ------          550cps Brookfield

5. Alkaline Sensitivity                                          ------          0.4 to 0.5%

6. Percentage of Ash on dry stage                     ------          0.5% Max

7. Gel Temperature                                            ------          60deg. C

8.  Percentage protein on dry stage                   ------          0.5%



a) Acidity         --------   Max 20ml

b) Fibre content -----   0.8ml /100 Gms.

Above specification are noted in our R&D lab. Salem, we declare the above specification are true and correct as per the best of our knowledge.





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